Our Mission

Legacy Youth Leadership (“Legacy”) is a nonprofit organization that is building better leaders who will build a better world. Legacy knows that young people are not just the future, they are the present. Legacy provides free youth leadership and mentoring programs that teach students how to use their time, their money, their voice, and their vote so they can be leaders today. Legacy’s Programs develop, mentor, and equip young people with the skills they need to reach their academic goals, make a REAL impact on the world around them, and thrive.

Legacy Youth Leadership is one of the largest YOUTH activism organizations in the world. We are building the next generation of young socially-conscious activists by inspiring more than 360,000 students on over 1,000 campuses across America EVERY YEAR. In eleven years, Legacy Youth Leadership has mobilized 2.6 million students to raise $11 Million+, 100% of which goes for charity & to lead activations that raise awareness of humanitarian crises around the world!


To date, Legacy Youth Leadership has engaged over 2,600,000 young leaders across the world.

Young people have been the driving force in raising millions to help our partner organizations combat some of the world's most pressing issues.

Why Students? Young people are THE most powerful agents for social change in the world! No other group activates like students do. Since we began connecting students with the tools they need to take action for the causes they care about, the response and impact they have made in the world has been AMAZING! We know that STUDENTS will change the world! Students are not afraid to dream, and we are only limited by what society tells us. Over half of the United States is enrolled in some type of schooling. Imagine if every single student responded and activated around the most important issues in the world.

When a student is given the opportunity to lead and they are developed as a leader, amazing things happen! To date, we have activated over 2.6 Million students, and STUDENTS have been the driving force in helping us raise over 11 million dollars for charity.

This generation WILL be the ones to end the greatest humanitarian crises our world faces. WE will be the ones to push these issues into the history books. We invite you to learn more here and join us.